We all understand the dread and anxiety of watching equity assets disappear in a sea of red during a market downturn.

And while there is no way to completely avoid volatility (unless you get out of the market), there are very effective ways to successfully navigate its ups and downs.

Equally important, there are some common mistakes investors must avoid to minimize the worst impacts of a volatile market.

Our free guide, The Do’s and Don’ts of Stock Market Volatility, provides our recommendations for investors, based on more than 30 years of expertise managing equity portfolios.

  • Learn our top 3 best practices to successfully manage periods of market volatility.
  • Understand the 3 most common mistakes investors make, and why they are so damaging to your long-term investing goals.
  • See historical data that supports our conclusions and underscores the recommendations we propose.

A Quick Word About Zacks

Zacks Investment Management has been helping investors meet their financial goals since 1992. Currently we are entrusted with billions in assets by investors just like you. These people turn to Zacks because of our ability to create customized portfolios with many top rated strategies by Morningstar.*

* These ratings were awarded by Morningstar on 1/1/2024 in respect of the period from strategy inception to 12/31/2023 (Inception Dates: All Cap- 2/1/1995, Focus Growth- 2/1/2003, Dividend- 4/1/2004, Mid and Small Cap- 5/1/2009). We do not compensate Morningstar to obtain this rating. However, we pay compensation to Morningstar to use their logo in connection with advertising this rating. Please see full disclosure at end of this document.