Throughout the long history of mankind, armed conflict has been a constant.

War is tragic, disheartening, and a seemingly inevitable fact of civilization. Aside from the horrible direct consequences it has—from loss of life, property destruction, and chaos—regional conflicts also produce ripple effects that often span the globe.

The series of crises since World War II, from Korea to Vietnam to Ukraine and the Middle East, give us some insight into how geopolitical crises impact the economy and markets. Our just-released report, How Geopolitical Crises Affect the Stock Market, is designed to offer some historical perspective to help investors make sense of the current conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.

If you have $500,000 or more to invest, get this free report to gain insights on topics including:

  • An overview of 6 significant conflicts since WW II, from Korea to Israel-Hamas
  • An analysis of each conflict and its economic impacts
  • U.S. GDP and S&P 500 figures for key periods of these conflicts
  • Plus, more insights into how these conflicts affect the economy and market

If you have $500,000 or more, fill out the form to get your free report today!

A Quick Word About Zacks
Zacks Investment Management has been helping investors meet their financial goals since 1992. Currently we are entrusted with billions in assets by investors just like you. These people turn to Zacks because of our ability to create customized portfolios with many top-rated strategies by Morningstar.*

* These ratings were awarded by Morningstar on 1/1/2024 in respect of the period from strategy inception to 12/31/2023 (Inception Dates: All Cap- 2/1/1995, Focus Growth- 2/1/2003, Dividend- 4/1/2004, Mid and Small Cap- 5/1/2009). We do not compensate Morningstar to obtain this rating. However, we pay compensation to Morningstar to use their logo in connection with advertising this rating. Please see full disclosure at end of this document.